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High Holidays Schedule
Scroll Down To See Yom Kippur Schedule

Rosh Hashana at The LIGHT House

October 2nd
October 3rd

6:15 PM | Pre-Rosh Hashana Afternoon /

Minha Service

6:17 PM | Candle Lighting (light at home)

7:00 PM | Evening Service

8:00 PM |  Conclusion of Services

8:30 AM | Preliminary Prayers

9:00 AM | User-Friendly Morning Service (Starting at Barachu & Shema)


9:45 AM | Latest Time To Say Shema


10:00 AM | Intro to Torah Reading with Intro by Rabbi Lior Ghalili

10:30 AM | Breakout Session: Rabbi Yitz Jacobs "The Process of Spiritual Transformation"


11:15 AM | Full Blown Shofar Service with Intro by Rabbi Yitz Jacobs

11:30 AM | Intro to Mussaf: Rabbi Chaim Saidian


11:45 AM | Breakout Session with Rabbi Jack Melul

11:45 AM | Breakout Session for Women: Malka Baradarian "Connecting to Hashem" (Downstairs)


1:00 PM | Kiddush Buffet


6:10 PM | Afternoon & Evening Services

7:12 PM | Candle Lighting at home (you may only light after 7:11 PM from a pre-existing flame lit before first day Yom Tov). 

October 4th

8:30 AM | Preliminary Prayers

9:00 AM | User-Friendly Morning Service 

(Starting at Barachu & Shema)


9:45 AM | Latest Time To Say Shema


10:00 AM | Torah Reading with Intro by Josh Golcheh

10:30 AM | Breakout Session for Women: Rebbetzin Ester Saidian "Was the World Really Created Just for ME?"


11:15 AM | Full Blown Shofar Service with Intro by Rabbi Chaim Saidian

11:30 AM | Intro to Mussaf: Rabbi Yitz Jacobs


1:00 PM | Kiddush Buffet


5:00 PM | Tashlich


6:10 PM | Afternoon Mincha Service

6:14 PM | Shabbat Candle Lighting  (you may only light from a pre-existing flame)

Yom Kippur at The Beverly Hills Marriott

October 11th
October 12th

1:30 PM | Mincha (on your own)


6:05 PM | Fast Begins & Candle Lighting

Hotel guests can light in the foyer/2nd floor lobby


6:30 PM | Shema Koli & Kol Nidre


** BREAKOUT SESSIONS ** at 9:00 PM & 9:30 PM

Ballroom: Rabbi Lior Ghalili

“Lets Get Real”

​Doheny Room: Josh Golcheh

“Does Yom Kippur Work Even If I Don’t Keep It?”

Ballroom: Rabbi Yitz Jacobs @ 9:30

"Owning Up Is Hard to Do"​

8:30 AM | Morning Blessings & Korbanot

9:00 AM | User-Friendly Morning Service

9:10 AM | Baruch Sheamar


9:47 AM | Latest Time To Say Shema


10:45 AM | Breakout Rabbi Yitz Jacobs "Going From Good To Great"


10:45 AM | Torah Reading with Intro by Rabbi David Cohen

Young Professionals Panel

11:30 AM | Charlotte Korchak,  International Senior Educator at StandWithUs, "Finding Light In All the Darkness"

12:00 PM | Elaine Chaya Daneshrad, Israel Activist & Co-Founder of @workshop8teen " Gratitude in the Struggle: How Your Challenges Are Your Hidden Gifts" 

12:30PM | Sam Mollaei , Esq. Virtual Lawyer & Legal Educator "How to Marry the Best Version of Yourself in 5 Simple Steps"

1:00PM | IDF Reservist who fought in Gaza, "Faith, Loss & Hope"

1:30 PM | Menachem Kashanian, CEO Craft Motion Films & Video Producer "A Life of Inspiration: Feeling God's Hand in Every Moment"

12:45 PM | Mussaf (Early Afternoon Services)

2:00 PM | Breakout for Women with Malka Baradarian (Bel Air Room), "A Clean Slate"

2:30 PM | Breakout Session with Rabbi David Cohen (Main Ballroom)

2:30 PM | Break

4:00 PM | Mincha (Afternoon Services)

5:30 PM | Neila with Intro by Rabbi Yitz Jacobs

7:00 PM | Arvit (Night Service)


7:15 PM | Havdallah & Break The Fast - Schwartz Catering (Meat) 

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